Defining One Percent Funds
One Percent money is the taxpayer-funded life source for South Carolina fire departments, granting them the financial ability to provide additional benefits for its members. Career, volunteer and combination departments are all eligible to receive funds if parameters are met.
The South Carolina State Firefighters’ Association is charged by state law with the fiduciary responsibility of One Percent, legally referenced as the Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund. The Association demonstrates its fiduciary responsibility by conducting yearly audits on member fire department’s One Percent accounts.
South Carolina fire departments receive over $18 million dollars annually in One Percent funds, meant to be used to benefit firefighters by providing benefits and paying for expenses that the regular department resources do not provide; however, there are many regulations tied to these dollars.
Firemen’s Insurance and Inspection Fund (1%) Handbook
Managing Funds
- Appoint a Fire Department 1% Committee.
- The Committee should make recommendations to the department on how to spend the 1% money.
- Call the Association office if you are not sure an item of expenditure is allowed by law.
- Make sure a current Form 205 listing the names of your Local Board of Trustees is on file at the Association’s office.
- Complete the One-Percent Annual Budget Worksheet Form 202.
- Display the proposed budget prominently in the department and/or provide each department member with a copy so that they will be informed of the specific items for which they are voting.
- Confirm that all firefighters on the current roster may vote.
- Complete the One-Percent Expenditure Signature Approval Form 201.
- 51% of the fire department membership must approve and sign Form 201.
- The Local Board of Trustees must approve and sign Form 201.
- For non-Association retirement plans, please complete this questionnaire.
- Make copies of your request for your records.
- Submit all 1% Expenditure Forms online through the SCSFA Member’s Management System Database
- The State Supervisory Committee or the Association’s 1% Staff will review and vote on the request.
- The Association will contact your fire department for clarification about any questionable expenditure.
- Submit a Quarterly Inspection Reports & Equipment Certificates to the State Fire Marshall
This can be completed by logging in to the Fire Portal as a certified fire inspector, chief or administrator and creating the new report.
Need help updating your information or adding someone to a department roster?
Use our member information update form!
Print, complete, and send form to [email protected]
Departments in Good Standing
We would like to acknowledge the departments that are in “Good Standing” with the Association. Our Constitution and By-Laws states for a department to be in “Good Standing” they must do the following:
- Select and confirm their voting members by January 1st
- Remit SCSFA Dues/Membership fees by January 1st
- Submit all forms by January 31st
- For departments that are required to have an audit, they must obtain a passing grade
As of the date indicated for this document, the member departments that are listed here are in “Good Standing” and have met their requirements to be eligible to receive this year’s current 1% distribution from their County Treasurer. If your department is not listed under your county’s list, please contact the us at 800-277-2732 to discuss the reason.
1% Regional Training
Every year there are departments that are losing their One Percent funds because they are not complying with the requirements and regulations. It is critical that your fire department has multiple people who are familiar with the accounting practices and regulations of the One Percent funds as to avoid losing the funding. The One Percent training classes walk you through these practices and regulations so that you can ensure your audit comes back blemish-free.
Contact Us
Our staff is here to assist and answer questions. Please email or give us a call if you have any questions about managing your One Percent Funds.
Kim Bowman, One Percent Retirement Account Coordinator
O: 803-529-1370
Email: [email protected]
Jeff Oswald, One Percent & Member Services Coordinator
Phone: 803-454-6595
Email: [email protected]
Jana Kassianos, 1% Accounting Services
Phone: 803-939-5900
Email: [email protected]